Showing all 12 results

Law Enforcement Equipment include:
Forensic Equipment and accessories
Hazard Detection Devices
Perimeter protection cameras
Disaster Scene Investigation and Identification equipment

Location: Australia

Funding Goal: $4,500.00

Location: United States (US)

Funding Goal: $3,500.00

Location: United States (US)

Funding Goal: $3,500.00

Location: United States (US)

Funding Goal: $950,000.00

Location: United States (US)

Funding Goal: $25,000.00

Location: United States (US)

Funding Goal: $68,000.00

Location: Australia

Funding Goal: $3,750,000.00

Location: United States (US)

Funding Goal: $8,600.00

Location: United States (US)

Location: United States (US)

Funding Goal: $160,000.00

Location: United States (US)

Funding Goal: $6,300.00

Location: United States (US)

Funding Goal: $42,400.00